Teknasyon x Moovbuddy Business

Company: Teknasyon Tech
Industry: IT & Technology
Location: Istanbul /Turkey
Number of Employees: 400


Why Were The Employees at Risk for MSK Problems?

57% of Teknasyon employees have been in desk jobs for over 5 years.
91% spend more than 6 hours a day sitting at their desks.
54% suffer from lower back pain.
66% experience neck pain.

What Services Were Provided?

Teknasyon partnered with MoovBuddy for a three-month program designed to improve employee well-being through:

Premium Access to the MoovBuddy App PR

Employees received three months of premium access, providing them with personalized exercise plans to improve their physical health.

Physical Health Webinar

Hosted by an MSK physiotherapist, this session offered expert advice on preventing and managing workplace-related pain.

One-on-One Physiotherapy Sessions

Employees could have personal online consultations with a physiotherapist, receiving tailored advice for their specific needs.

Results and Benefits

Teknasyon partnered with MoovBuddy for a three-month program designed to improve employee well-being through:

Thanks to the webinar, we learned clear, concise information about physical health. Overall, it was an informative presentation that was engaging and not overwhelming.

The things we learned from the app and the webinar were easy to apply to our work life.

In the one-on-one physiotherapist consultations, the physiotherapists were knowledgeable, helpful, and positive.

We were able to experience them and quickly see the benefits.

The app's holistic approach to physical health was beneficial for us.

Features that Teknasyon’ employees would like to see in the future

Company-specific challenges including physical activity goals (daily stretchings, steps goal etc.) might increase
the motivation and continuity of the employees.

Employee Review

“The event was insightful and easy to follow. It exceeded my expectations, especially in addressing postural problems for office workers.”

What Our Users Say?

Mehmet A.

I live in a place where there is no hospital access and I started to use it with the advice of my doctor after an operation. It accelerated the healing process beyond the doctors' expectations. Very useful and effective. Being able to do exercises wherever I want makes MoovBuddy very useful and special. Although I entered the application for physical therapy, I also had the opportunity to browse many exercises in different categories within the application, it is definitely very successful, thank you!

Serpil T.

MoovBuddy has helped me a lot with my long-standing problem of muscle weakness in my shoulders and legs. I have been to many physiotherapists, but I could not find the ideal exercise programme that would increase the mobility of my shoulders without putting pressure on my nerves and causing pain. I have been exercising with MoovBuddy regularly, every day if possible, and following the exercise levels in the application, and indeed, my search for a physiotherapist to solve my problem for years has ended with MoovBuddy.

Cansu Y.

I wanted to try MoovBuddy because I knew that going to physiotherapy at this time would be difficult for me both financially and in terms of time. I joined for my back and neck pain, which I thought was caused by desk work. With regular use, the pain is clearly reduced. In addition, there are many posture correction exercises in the application, I started doing them, it is an ideal service for desk workers. I also recommended it to my friends, thank you!

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