1. How can I cancel my subscription?
App Store
Subscriptions purchased through App Store are managed by Apple. If you wish to cancel a subscription that you started this way, open the “Settings” application on your device and tap on your name. On this page, you can manage your MoovBuddy subscription by tapping “Subscriptions” and you can cancel by tapping “Cancel Subscription”
Google Play Store
Subscriptions purchased through Google Play Store are managed by Google. If you wish to cancel a subscription that you started this way, open the “Play Store” application on your device. After you tap on your profile picture, you can unsubscribe from the Payments and Subscriptions>Subscriptions page.
If you wish to cancel a subscription you started through Zotlo, go to dashboard.zotlo.com . After you log in to your account by selecting “Continue with email”, you can cancel your subscription. When you log in to the panel, you need to use the information you use in your MoovBuddy account.
2. I purchased a subscription, but I cannot use it.
1. If you cannot use your subscription even though you started it with a credit card, please make sure you select the option “Activate Subscription”.
2. First, click on the “Already have an account?” button for your subscription you started using your credit card on our website. Then, you can use your MoovBuddy Premium account by clicking the “Activate Subscription” button.
3. I want to request a refund for my subscription.
You cannot get a retroactive refund for your MoovBuddy subscription; however, it is possible that you prevent renewal by cancelling your subscription. After you cancel your subscription, you can continue enjoying the benefits of your MoovBuddy Premium package during the time period you paid for.
App Store
For subscriptions purchased through Apple Store account; go to reportaproblem.apple.com. Sign in with your Apple ID and password. Tap or click: “I’d like to.”. Choose “Request a refund”. Choose the reason why you want a refund, then choose “Next”. Choose the item or items that you bought, then choose “Submit”.
Google Play Store
For subscriptions purchased through Google Play Store account; you can request a refund through https://support.google.com/googleplay/workflow/9813244?p=refund&hl=tr
4. How do I manage my subscription?
You can manage your subscription on the platform where you purchased it.
App Store
For subscriptions started on the App Store: After you log in to your account at https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039, you can manage your subscription by clicking the “Manage your subscriptions” button.
Google Play Store
For subscriptions started on Google Play: After you log in to your account at https://play.google.com/store/account/subscriptions , you can manage your subscription on the Subscriptions tab in the menu.
For Zotlo subscriptions: After you log in to your account by selecting “Continue with email” at https://dashboard.zotlo.com/, you can cancel your subscription.
1. Is Online Physiotherapy efficient?
The majority of face-to-face physiotherapist evaluations can be done online. The exercise program that your physiotherapist will assign to your Moovbuddy account will help you do all your exercises correctly and get the most benefit. The physiotherapist will be able to see the pain and mobility status after each exercise and update your program accordingly.
2. How can I make an appointment?
You can plan your session by clicking the ‘Make an Appointment’ button, after making your payment you can select the suitable time for your appointment.
3. How often should I schedule my meetings?
Our physiotherapist’s recommendation is 1 session per week.
4. Is there anything I should do to be prepared before my session?
Before the first meeting, just check the meeting link we sent you. If you have a problem opening it, you can reach us at [email protected] for us to assist you.
5. Should I visit a doctor before the sessions?
You do not need to see a doctor before sessions. If there is a situation that requires you to see a doctor, your physiotherapist will guide you in this regard.
6. How can I make the payment?
After choosing a package, you can pay with a credit card.
7. Under what conditions are refunds made?
If you are not satisfied with our online consultancy service after the first meeting, you can submit your refund request within 3 days, your full fee will be refunded. If the physiotherapist thinks that you cannot benefit from this service, the full fee will be refunded.
1. How can I register to the system?
You can register to our system by clicking the ‘Register as Specialist’ button and sign up as a specialist or clinic by entering your information.
2. How can I prepare a program for my patients?
You can select the exercises you will use for your program by using the search or filtering options in the exercise library, after selection, press the ‘View and Forward’ button to continue. Then you can detail the program by choosing the number of repetitions, the number of sets, and the waiting times between sets. You can also enter a program name, date range and add additional notes if you have any. If you’d like to see the details of an exercise, you can click on it in the exercise library. After completing your program, you can click ‘Generate Code’ to send it to your patient’s phone or e-mail. Your patients can reach the program you’ve created by entering the code in MoovBuddy app.
3. I sent the program code to my patient, but I cannot see her/his name in the "Patients" tab.
Your patient must enter the program code in MoovBuddy app in order for you to see him/her in the “Patients” tab.
4. How can I track the progress of my patient?
In the “Patients” tab, you can click on your patient’s name to see his/her body mobility, pain status and activity graphs. If you see one or more of these results as passive, it means your patient did not activate it. When they allow MoovBuddy to ask for Pain and Body Mobility Feedback, you should be able to see their results properly.