For Specialist

For Healthcare Specialists

  • Content rich exercise library
  • Personalized program creation
  • Easy patient tracking with MoovBuddy App

Personalized Programs

Instead of using an exercise catalogue and photocopied exercises, you can create an exercise program that is specific to the patient’s condition. There are over 250 segmented exercises in the library that you can choose from. In this way, you can provide a treatment to the patient by taking many aspects into consideration.

Patient Tracking

We record the patients’ routines of watching the videos and get their feedback about pain and applicability status every time they complete the program. We present you the feedback received from the patient as graphics. With this practice, we enable you to receive clear feedback and make a quick, qualified evaluation of the patient’s condition so you can plan the next exercise program accordingly.

Patient Tracking

We record the patients’ routines of watching the videos and get their feedback about pain and applicability status every time they complete the program. We present you the feedback received from the patient as graphics. With this practice, we enable you to receive clear feedback and make a quick, qualified evaluation of the patient’s condition so you can plan the next exercise program accordingly.

What are the Benefits?

Draft Programs

MoovBuddy allows you to save a draft of the programs you use frequently in certain treatments. After saving a program as a draft, you can create a program for a patient within 10 seconds. You can also use the draft programs offered by MoovBuddy and make changes if you want to.

Clinical and Individual Use

It is possible to register in our system as an individual specialist (doctor, physiotherapist and other health professionals) or as a clinic. In the single specialist account, the platform can be used only by one specialist while in the clinic model, you can benefit as an organization.

Optional Payment

Specialist platform payment can be made by the specialist or the patient, depending on your choice. When creating the program, you can choose one of the options “I want to pay from my own account” or “Let the patient pay”.